Services and pricing.

Each session can be customized to your needs.

Choose the duration of your treatment and what kind of treatment you’d like .

If you need help deciding, do not hesitate to ask. Several techniques can be incorporated into your session to optimize your experience.

60-Minute Session : $135

90-Minute Session: $195

30-Minute Session *: $70

* 30-Minute Sessions can be specific for alleviation of TMJ or neck and shoulder tension, relief of foot pain, or meridian balancing for stress and anxiety reduction.


Myofascial Release

A myofascial release session will consist of connecting slowly and softly through light to heavier pressure in areas were the fascial integrity is compromised. This allows for the fascia itself to melt into its natural state, triggering a cascading response that the whole body can resonate with. Releasing fascial tension can alleviate pain and dysfunction at a level that is beyond the reach of traditional massage techniques.

Read more about it in our Myofascial Release FAQs.

Therapeutic Massage

The treatment consists of varying degrees of pressure for muscular release and relaxation. This is a full body treatment in a softly lit room with soothing music and lotion or aromatic oils. This is all part of the treatment, to create a safe and comfortable environment for the client to begin to disengage from the stresses of the day, heal more thoroughly from injury, release muscular contraction or emotional overload that has been needing to slough off. Each session builds upon the other when consistently utilized. 

Aromatherapy may be incorporated to deepen the efficacy of the session. 

Massage with Aromatherapy

Essential oils are created directly from interaction with the sun's natural light. This is the essence of plant medicine which comes into play when aromatherapy is used in the context of massage. Physiologically balancing, spiritually uplifting, comforting, or strengthening, these oils take massage to a deeper level in subtle yet profound ways. Often a blend will be customized for where a client is on that particular day and the option of purchasing a bottle to bring home is simply another way to extend the treatment beyond the time on the table. 

Zen Shiatsu

Zen Shiatsu is an ancient form of massage from Japan. It works with the energetic meridian system that informs, balances and communicates with the physiological, structural and emotional aspects of being. The simplicity of the treatment allows it to be a non-invasive modality with subtle yet deep potential for healing. A session generally takes place upon a futon on the floor with the client dressed in loose clothing. This allows for comfort during stretches and rotations which may be part of a treatment. The practitioner will use techniques depending upon what the needs of the client are. 

Prenatal Shiatsu

Each trimester of pregnancy offers different challenges and aspects of growth, for both mother and baby. Bringing life into the world offers physiological changes, hormonal fluctuations and structural challenges that are a lot to be with.  Shiatsu can help restore equilibrium and ease a taxed muscular and fascial system. This gives room for new growth to flourish while nurturing the mother in a deeply restorative way. At Bodily Kneads, prenatal shiatsu is performed on the massage table as opposed to on the floor. 

Manual Lymph Drainage

Unlike your vascular system, the lymph system does not have a pumping mechanism to rely upon to move lymph through the channels and into nodes for egress. Injury, repetitive motion or simply inertia can keep lymph from flowing. Lymph is basically the fluid which collects cellular waste and disposes of it. A very necessary function for health and well being. Manual lymph drainage utilizes the softest touch to move the lymph along, encouraging it to flow into the nodes. It can then traverse to the kidneys for excretion, thus detoxifying your body.